"Artificial intelligence" is the ability of machines to do things
that people would say require intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI)
research is an attempt to discover and describe aspects of human intelligence
that can be simulated by machines. For example, at present
there are machines that can do the following things:
1. Play games of strategy (e.g., Chess, Checkers, Poker) and
(in Checkers) learn to play better than people.
2. Learn to recognize visual or auditory patterns.
3. Find proofs for mathematical theorems.
4. Solve certain, well-formulated kinds of problems.
5. Process information expressed in human languages.
The extent to which machines (usually computers) can do these
things independently of people is still limited; machines currently exhibit
in their behavior only rudimentary levels of intelligence. Even so, the
possibility exists that machines can be made to show behavior indicative
of intelligence, comparable or even superior to that of humans.'
Alternatively, AI research may be viewed as an attempt to develop
a mathematical theory to describe the abilities and actions of things
(natural or man-made) exhibiting "intelligent" behavior, and serve as a
calculus for the design of intelligent machines. As yet there is no "mathematical
theory of intelligence," and researchers dispute whether there
ever will be.
This book serves as an introduction to research on machines that display intelligent behavior. Such machines some fimes
will be called "artificial intelligence's," "intelligent machines," or "mechanical
The inclination in this book is toward the first viewpoint of AI research,
without forsaking the second. Since AI research is still in its
infancy, it is therefore prudent to withhold estimation of its future. It is
best to begin with a summation of present knowledge, considering such
questions as:
1. What is known .about natural intelligence?
2. When can we justifiably call a machine intelligent?
3. How and to what extent do machines currently simulate intelligence
or display intelligent behavior?
4. How might machines eventually simulate intelligence?
5. How can machines and their behavior be described mathematically?
6. What uses could be made of intelligent machines?
Each of these questions will be explored in some detail in this
book. The first and second questions are covered in this chapter. It is
hoped that the six questions are covered individually in enough detail
so that the reader will be guided to broader study if he is so inclined.
For parts of this book, some knowledge of mathematics (especially sets,
functions, and logic) is presupposed, though much of the book is understandable
without it.
A basic goal of AI research is to construct a machine that exhibits
the behavior associated with human intelligence, that is, comparable to
the intelligence of a human being. It is not required that the
machine use the same underlying mechanisms (whatever they are) that
are used in human cognition, nor is it required that the
machine go through stages of development or learning such as those
through which people progress.
The classic experiment proposed for determining whether a machine
possesses intelligence on a human level is known as Turing's test (after
A. M. Turing, who pioneered research in computer logic, undecidability theory, and artificial intelligence). This experiment has yet to be performed
seriously, since no machine yet displays enough intelligent
behavior to be able to do well in the test. Still, Turing's test is the basic
paradigm for much successful work and for many experiments in
machine intelligence, from the Samuel's Checkers Player to "semanticinformation
processing" programs such as Colby's PARRY or Raphael's.
Basically, Turing's test consists of presenting a human being, A,
with a typewriter-like or TV-like terminal, which he can use to converse
with two unknown (to him) sources, B and C ). The
interrogator A is told that one terminal is controlled by a machine and
that the other terminal is controlled by a human being whom A has
never met. A is to guess which of B and C is the machine and which is
the person. If A cannot distinguish one from the other with significantly
better than 50% accuracy, and if this result continues to hold no matter
what people are involved in the experiment, the machine is said to
simulate human intelligence.
Some comments on Turing's test are in order. First, the nature
of Turing's test is such that it does not permit the interrogator A to observe
the physical natures of B and C; rather, it permits him only to
observe their "intellectual behavior," that is, their ability to communicate
with formal symbols and to "think abstractly." So, while the test
does not enable A to be prejudiced by the physical nature of either
B or C, neither does it give a way to compare those aspects of an
entity's behavior that reflect its ability to act non abstractly in the real
world-that is, to be ·intelligent in its performance of concrete operations
on objects. Can the machine, for example, fry an egg or clean
a house?
Second, one possible achievement of AI research would be to produce
a complete description of a machine that can successfully pass
Turing's test, or to find a proof that no machine can pass it. The complete
description must be of a machine that can actually be constructed.
A proof that there is no such constructive machine (it might say, e.g.,
"The number of parts in such a machine must be greater than the
number of electrons in the universe.") is consequently to be regarded
as a proof of the "no machine" alternative.
Third, it may be that more than one type of machine can pass
Turing's test. In this case, AI research has a secondary problem of
creating a general description of all machines that will successfully pass
Turing's test.
Fourth, if a machine passes Turing's test, it means in effect that
there is at least one machine that can learn to solve problems as well as
a human being. This would lead to asking if a constructive machine can
be described which would be capable of learning to solve not only those
problems that people can usually solve, but also those that people create
but can only rarely solve. That is, is it possible to build mechanical
intelligence's that are superior to human intelligence?
It is not yet possible to give a definite answer to any of these
questions. Some evidence exists that AI research may eventually attain
at least the goal of a machine that passes Turing's test.
It is clear that the intellectual capabilities of a human being are
directly related to the functioning of his brain, which appears to be a
finite structure of cells. Moreover, people have succeeded in constructing
machines that can "learn" to produce solutions to certain specific
intellectual problems,· which are superior to the solutions people can
produce. The most notable example is Samuel's Checkers Player, which
has learned to play a better game of Checkers than its designer, and
which currently plays at a championship level.
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